Red Queen Announcing CIS Controls 8.1!
Congratulations! Check your dashboard; we’ve rolled out the checklist for the Center For Internet Security’s CIS Controls 8.1, Implementation Group One. It’s included with your current subscription!
Hey, it’s Tarah here with you for this newsletter. Thanks to the amazing Red Queen Team, I woke up this morning, had coffee, checked my dashboard, and saw that we’re already cooking on our own internal CIS attestation. This is what I saw:
We’re thrilled to partner with the Center for Internet Security to bring this incredibly important and valuable framework to all our service provider client dashboards. Go announce to all your clients: they’re on their way to CIS compliance!
If you want to hear more about how passionate we are on this topic, the amazing folks at CIS had me on their Cybersecurity Where You Are podcast this week. Check out me, CIS CISO Sean Atkinson, and SVP Tony Sager talking about “Making Continuous Compliance Actionable For SMBs.”
Yeah, they’re talking about Red Queen!!
Much love and luck,
Tarah Wheeler, CEO Red Queen Dynamics